Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Utter Failure.

So, is it March already?!?!? Yikes!

I'm so sorry!

I know I left you all hanging on the Elf on the Shelf. I promise I finished it- here is the story:

We went to the beach for a week and I didn't bring my camera chord so I couldn't update the blog for a week. When I got home it was a few days before Christmas and crazy. Then Christmas past and I kept promising to do it. Then it was January and I figured no one cared about the elf anymore..... then I just felt shameful. But.... I'M BACK! And, I promise to update you in a blog post about what happened with our crazy elf. Why? I know it's not Christmas but everyone enjoys learning about the craziness that is the Elf on the Shelf and some of his best work came after the blog curtains were shut! So, I will do it! But this will take a little bit as I am in the middle of my finals with school, but in the next two weeks before a new term starts up I promise to update you on the Elf on the Shelf!

Other topics on my agenda will be to tell you the story of our family... because it is one big great story and Everybody Loves Willis so of course you want to hear about it! Topics will include: Why the internet is a great place to meet your love, why 8 year age gap is not a big deal (even at 19 and 27), why getting married 5 months after you meet is insane and not recommended unless you are sick-in-love, how our Tiny Willis was days away from being thrown out into the street when Mommy Willis heard about her and saved her, why infertility sucks, why adoption is amazing, why adoption is horrible, why it takes so friggin' long, and how you can get a child placed in your home within two weeks of learning of him without being in the adoption process (hint: be the Willis family), and what the adoption process is like when you do it backwards! These topics as well as others explain the Willis bunch so much and I hope you enjoy getting to know us! If not, then I will have a really great journal for my kids one day- either way, I get to have fun!

-Mommy Willis

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