Thursday, March 14, 2013

How I Became a Willis Pt. 1

8 Years Ago in March of 2005 my 
crazy husband found me online. 
Most of my friends know that we met online, 
but in this blog post 
I'm going to officially come out.....

We didn't meet on a mutually 
interested religious website 
called LDS LinkUp... 
We met on.... 
Are you ready for this?
Hot or Not
... Dreams do come true! 

So he thought I was hot, I thought he was hot and 
the rest is history, right?? 

Not exactly. So, we started chatting online... all the time!
Then we started chatting on the phone... all the time!
He was 27. I was 19!

He was in a business that traveled around 
doing personal development seminars so he 
invited me to come to one with him....
to Puerto Rico!!!

You can imagine my surprise when I 
realized that this man I had been chatting with
for four months was asking me to come with him 
on a trip to Puerto Rico that was happening in 
about 2 weeks time....

I look back at our situation and 
I feel insane! 
The person I am NOW would have never 
jetted off with a "stranger" to a "foreign land"....
But, luckily for me I was a different person back then... 
full of adventure! 

Somehow I talked my parents into to letting me go....
My mom agreed only after she called and 
talked to Royce's bishop
and he assured her he was a stand up guy. 

Then I had to tell my friends how I had
been chatting with a guy on the internet
and begged them all for money 
so I could meet him...
I'm sure they all thought I was INSANE
and gave me money only so I'd leave!

Then I was on my way!

What happened next? 
Come back for Part 2 to find out....


  1. your love story is Crazy. :-) But no one else will ever have the same story. You guys ROCK!

  2. This is legendary! How'd you keep that in for seven years? lol love you guys!
