Saturday, March 16, 2013

How I Became a Willis Pt.3

I was about to regret everything until...
We went to lunch at Olive Garden!
... I know, you had no idea 
what Soup & Salad can do for love, huh?!

Okay, it wasn't the Soup & Salad...
but that didn't hurt!

At Olive Garden, Royce turned to me and said...
"You don't need to be nervous... 
I'm really glad you came!"
I loosened up and was finally 
able to have a good time. 

At lunch he did the cutest thing
that we still do today when we are on dates... 
He would open and shut one of his eyes, 
alternating each eye saying
"Camera one, Camera Two, 
Camera One, Camera Two" 
I was a silly fool in love and that it was hilarious..
and I still do!  

The next day we were off to Puerto Rico
We had a blast together. 

We had talked so much we pretty much
knew everything about each other... 
so once we met and found out we were 
both telling the truth... and we had chemistry....
it was easy to fall head over heals 

The picture above is the first picture we ever took together!

When we got back from Puerto Rico
I was supposed to go home...
But the decision we made changed
the course of my life forever!

Find out what happened in Pt. 4

Friday, March 15, 2013

How I Became a Willis Pt.2

I still remember the night before I met Royce...
I stayed over at my friend Jill's house until super late
and by the time I got home I was too nervous to sleep....
so I didn't! 

My mom drove me to the airport
and I flew into Utah. 

Royce told me he was going to 
pick me up on the curb....
I hated the idea of him driving up
and being able to get a glimpse of me
before I got a glimpse of him!

I was waiting awhile....
honestly, I thought he might have drove away! 

Then I got a phone call...
He said he decided to park and 
walk to come get me! 

So we chatted for a little bit... 
then it happened! 
He  said... "I can see you!"
I instantly hid behind a wall....
It freaked me out that he could see
me and I couldn't see him!

Then we gave each other a hug 
and walked to the car. 

He was taking me to visit
Temple Square....

The next hour would be the most awkward
hour of my entire life!
I thought I had made a HUGE mistake!
All I wanted to do was CRY!


Come back for Pt. 3

Thursday, March 14, 2013

How I Became a Willis Pt. 1

8 Years Ago in March of 2005 my 
crazy husband found me online. 
Most of my friends know that we met online, 
but in this blog post 
I'm going to officially come out.....

We didn't meet on a mutually 
interested religious website 
called LDS LinkUp... 
We met on.... 
Are you ready for this?
Hot or Not
... Dreams do come true! 

So he thought I was hot, I thought he was hot and 
the rest is history, right?? 

Not exactly. So, we started chatting online... all the time!
Then we started chatting on the phone... all the time!
He was 27. I was 19!

He was in a business that traveled around 
doing personal development seminars so he 
invited me to come to one with him....
to Puerto Rico!!!

You can imagine my surprise when I 
realized that this man I had been chatting with
for four months was asking me to come with him 
on a trip to Puerto Rico that was happening in 
about 2 weeks time....

I look back at our situation and 
I feel insane! 
The person I am NOW would have never 
jetted off with a "stranger" to a "foreign land"....
But, luckily for me I was a different person back then... 
full of adventure! 

Somehow I talked my parents into to letting me go....
My mom agreed only after she called and 
talked to Royce's bishop
and he assured her he was a stand up guy. 

Then I had to tell my friends how I had
been chatting with a guy on the internet
and begged them all for money 
so I could meet him...
I'm sure they all thought I was INSANE
and gave me money only so I'd leave!

Then I was on my way!

What happened next? 
Come back for Part 2 to find out....

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Utter Failure.

So, is it March already?!?!? Yikes!

I'm so sorry!

I know I left you all hanging on the Elf on the Shelf. I promise I finished it- here is the story:

We went to the beach for a week and I didn't bring my camera chord so I couldn't update the blog for a week. When I got home it was a few days before Christmas and crazy. Then Christmas past and I kept promising to do it. Then it was January and I figured no one cared about the elf anymore..... then I just felt shameful. But.... I'M BACK! And, I promise to update you in a blog post about what happened with our crazy elf. Why? I know it's not Christmas but everyone enjoys learning about the craziness that is the Elf on the Shelf and some of his best work came after the blog curtains were shut! So, I will do it! But this will take a little bit as I am in the middle of my finals with school, but in the next two weeks before a new term starts up I promise to update you on the Elf on the Shelf!

Other topics on my agenda will be to tell you the story of our family... because it is one big great story and Everybody Loves Willis so of course you want to hear about it! Topics will include: Why the internet is a great place to meet your love, why 8 year age gap is not a big deal (even at 19 and 27), why getting married 5 months after you meet is insane and not recommended unless you are sick-in-love, how our Tiny Willis was days away from being thrown out into the street when Mommy Willis heard about her and saved her, why infertility sucks, why adoption is amazing, why adoption is horrible, why it takes so friggin' long, and how you can get a child placed in your home within two weeks of learning of him without being in the adoption process (hint: be the Willis family), and what the adoption process is like when you do it backwards! These topics as well as others explain the Willis bunch so much and I hope you enjoy getting to know us! If not, then I will have a really great journal for my kids one day- either way, I get to have fun!

-Mommy Willis