Saturday, December 15, 2012

Elf on the Shelf: Day 18

Buddy was very thoughtful today... 

He must have known that Mommy Willis
kinda... sorta.... caught a little bit of Grant's cold....

(and I mean kinda sorta because I've been 
downing On Guard Essential Oil like crazy so 
my throat isn't quite that scratchy.... and my
nose isn't all that stuffy.... my head hurts like 
I'm getting a cold but my body is fighting 
back with the help of essential oils)

He knew that Daddy Willis would be gone all day
and that Mommy Willis didn't feel up to doing much....

... so he planned a movie day for Mommy and Grant! 
He got himself all snug-as-a-bug in his stocking and
got the remotes out.... 

Grant said "Silly Elf, a Stocking isn't a blanket"

He left us out some treats and a not so subtle nudge
that he wants to have a Toy Story marathon! 

Even Santa. Jr and Kanga were ready to watch a movie....

Grant thought the whole thing was so funny...
he started doing his laugh where he falls back and
kicks his legs up, laughing like a jolly Santa Claus....
.... wish I could give you a video of it because it is hilarious! 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Elf on the Shelf: Day 17

This morning Mommy Willis woke up to find that
Buddy had a little fun on her desk last night.... 

He made a rope out of the stale Twislers and went 
Bungee Jumping....  

He put a bunch of post it notes with jokes and sayings for
Grant like "You're Awesome" 

Unfortently, when Grant woke up he threw a
huge temper tantrum when he was getting dressed....
By the time we finally got done getting him dressed, 
he discovered that Buddy didn't like all the yelling and had left.... 

But, lucky for him.. 
Buddy didn't go very far!
As soon as Grant started acting nicer.... 
Buddy came back!

After Lunch, he discovered Buddy had moved to his desk....
Buddy must have known Mommy Willis wanted
access to her computer! 

When I turned my computer on.... we also discovered
that our Silly Elf put his picture as my background!

What a silly, silly elf! 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Elf on the Shelf: Day 16 Adventures

Today Buddy put himself in a jar
so Grant could take him with anywhere! 


Grant didn't just take him anywhere.... 
... he took him everywhere! 

He played & ate with him... 

... he watched a movie with him! 

We were able to go to the Portland Raceway to
see the Winter Wonderland lights.... 

We let Grant out of his seat so he could see the lights...
He held Buddy up so he could look at the lights, too!

Then we had him come up front so he and Buddy
could get a better look! 

Grant had a great time with his Buddy!
At the end of the day he gave Buddy a hug 
and was off to bed....

Wonder what that Silly Elf will be up to next.... 

Elf on the Shelf: Day 16

We have really enjoyed having our little Elf around....
... but today he really out did himself!

This has probably been Gran'ts favorite day....

Our little Buddy put himself in a jar!

Grant - "What a silly, silly Elf!!"

We discovered a note... 
... "But, Mommy, I can't read!!" 

Don't worry Lil' Willis, Daddy will read it for you.... 

it says that Buddy wants to go see the Christmas lights
at the Portland Winter Wonderland race track....
Buddy told Grant that he put himself in a jar
so that Grant could take him with us!

Grant literally leaped for joy, luckily I got it with my camera...

He was so excited to carry Buddy with him all day long! 

Mommy Willis will document all the awesome 
places Grant takes Buddy today.... 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Zoo Lights

We had a blast going to the Oregon Zoo to see the Zoo Lights!

Grant got to meet all sorts of creatures....

He saw the penguin.... 
He saw the otter (if you talk to him, he will say it was a bear) 
and the Tiger....
Every time he saw one of the 
animals he would run up to them and say,
"Hi, I love you" ...

... he even said that to the guy who gave us 
our hot cocoa and elephant ear.....
I guess that is justified.... 
...after all, those elephant ears or mighty tasty!

It was the first time for all of us....

Yes, I am an Oregonian and it 
really was the first time I had ever gone!

The highlight of the trip was the train ride.....

If you go to Zoo Lights and you don't go on the train....

...that would be silly!
I don't know why you would even bother! 

As Grant would say, "Happy Family" 

After we got Grants gloves, two coats 
and his"hack" (aka his hat)
this is what he looked like....
we had to make sure and document that hair! 

Elf on the Shelf: Day 15

Yesterday our little guy was a super good boy....
and Buddy noticed!

When he came back from the North Pole...
he landed on our Christmas Countdown...

He left a note for Grant....

I had Grant change the calendar today...
as I do every morning...
and as he walked away without noticing Buddy...
I gave him a little nudge to look a little higher...



Then we went in Grant's room 
and I read Buddy's letter....

As you can see, Lil' Willis was 
super happy with what it said! 

What a sweet Elf! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Elf on the Shelf: Day 14

Looks like our elf was up to no good last night...

He turned our milk pink 
(I think he was going for red...)

Before we had breakfast Grant discovered that Buddy
had written all over the mirrors in the house....

When I asked him to get the milk this morning... 
he finally found that silly elf holding a pen!

Buddy felt right at home in the cold fridge! 

Grant thought it was so funny! 
He wanted a picture with the milk... 

While I was pouring his cereal
he discovered what else Buddy was up to...

Giving people silly faces!

Buddy also left Grant a brand new sugar cereal
and since Grant isn't usually allowed to have sugar cereal...
He was super excited!

Later on he discovered that Buddy had given mustaches 
to all the characters on his cereal box, too! So Silly!

Mommy Willis tried to get pictures of the mirror, 
but it would't show up. 
On the mirrors Buddy wrote "Be Good!" 
He also put a circle with a mustache 
and the put a sign that said...
"Put face here"
Grant put his face in the circle and had a mustache... 
so funny! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Elf on the Shelf: Day 13

Our silly elf returned last night....

After a long trip to the North Pole, 
Buddy landed up high....

On top of one of our speakers!

It was a good hiding spot because Lil' Willis
had a difficult time finding him this morning... 

But, he was super excited once he did!