Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Perfect Stranger

Yesterday after Grant's occupational 
therapy appointment,  
we stopped by Carl's Jr. for lunch. 

I hardly ever go in and sit down 
inside a fast food restaurant to eat
.... why? 
Do you really need to ask why? Ick.

BUT, today for some odd reason
I felt like I should take the time
to go in and sit down. 

I was sitting down enjoying my

Santa Fe Grilled Chicken Sandwich
when it happened....

A man, almost 90 years old,
came over to our table and handed
me and Grant a card with a prayer on it...
talking about how it changed his life

I initially was thinking...
THIS is why I don't eat inside
fast food restaurants... 
What the dilly?
He was sweet though, so I listened. 

But the prayer card was only the beginning.....
He then handed me another card with
information about the book
"The Blood Sugar Solution"
and proceeded to tell me that this is
the way he eats and it has changed his life
and wanted to share it with anyone who would listen

Now, normally it is every overweight
persons nightmare for someone to talk
to them about their weight....
ESPECIALLY, when they are strangers
and ESPECIALLY when there are people all 
around you listening to the conversation....
If this had happened a few months ago
I would have been mortified! 

But, like we've discussed previously...
I've discovered how friggin' awesome I
am and didn't take offense.... 

In fact, what this little old man
didn't realize is I had borrowed this book
from my parents a few short months ago 
because Royce is diabetic and because
of my weight I am pre-diabetic

The last time I had skimmed through the 
book I had absolutely no confidence
that eating THAT healthy was
something that I could do...
the book has been on my shelf 
collecting dust ever since. 

I had been praying for the right answer
for me, something that was going to help
bring me to the best version of myself, 
and instead of being freaked out....
I was so grateful. 

This perfect stranger cared enough about me,
someone he had never met before, 
to come talk to me about getting healthy.
I was grateful to him. 

When I got home I dusted off the book he 
suggested and looked through it more carefully. 

For the first six weeks on the advanced plan
Dr. Hyman eliminates.... 
wheat, sugar, starchy vegetables, dairy and grains
so basically you eat meats, vegetables, legumes
and healthy fats

With my new found confidence and 
love for myself I know that this is
something I can accomplish 

After the six weeks you 
introduce things in a specific
way to see how they effect 
your blood sugar, weight etc. 
It's all about using food as medicine to
cure yourself of disease
This is exactly what Royce and I need

I'm a religious person and I know
that me wanting to go sit in Carl's Jr's 
uncomfortable dinning room
was not an accident.
It was a prompting

As crazy as it seems...
I'm grateful to Ted and
his wife Alice for the love
the showed me yesterday
at Carl's Jr. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How I Become a Willis Pt. 5

We talked about dating for awhile
before we actually got hitched...

But, on our one month anniversary of
meeting, Royce officially purposed to me
on Temple Square where we had 
our first date!

I decided I really wanted
a fall wedding so two months later...
 we were married!


It was a crazy and 

fast journey. 
There are days 
that I wish we would
have waited a little 
bit longer so my
day could have 
been perfect, but
then I realize that 
it was perfect
because we were 
married for time 
and all eternity....
and nothing else truly matters!

We got married in the
 Mount Timpanogos LDS Temple
on October 8, 2005... 
This is How I became a Willis. 

How I Became a Willis Pt. 4

Note: I totally did this post forever ago and thought I had scheduled it to post with part 5 but it never did. My apologizes!!!

I only had bought a one way ticket
to Utah because I didn't know when
I would return. So when Royce and
I decided we wanted to date and
most likely get married we made a 
crazy decision....

I called my mom and she said..
"Are you having a good time?"
"Yes, mom. I am! Soooo.... I decided to
MOVE HERE! Could you pack up
my stuff in my car and meet me in Boise?"

Without getting into the crazy details, 
my mom agreed. I think she is nuts but
I'm glad it worked out. 

I found a room
to share with a girl in Royce's singles ward. 
The house was around the block from Royce, 
so I pretty much just slept there. 

We went to Boise and Royce met my mom, 
sister Brooke and brother Jared and their
families all in one weekend. What a trooper!

This is a picture of us in Boise, ID when 
Royce first met my beautiful mommy! 

We thought we would date for awhile and then
get married, but things went a little differently...

Find out the last post in How I Became a Willis Pt.5 

Just a Little Further

Many of you know I've been on a life long journey towards health. There have been many ups and downs, but every single struggle I've had was something I needed to go through to learn what I needed to learn to become the person I'm meant to be. The struggles have also made the accomplishments that much sweeter!

A few weeks ago we bought a treadmill (we got a stinkin' good deal on Craigslist!). The first workout I did, I couldn't even do 15 minutes. I did 12 minutes 34 seconds at a 2.5 to be exact and it took me about the same amount of time to recover. I decided I'd just start doing a little more everyday.

I got to the point that I was able to do about 25-30 minutes at a 2.2-2.3. Many of you fitness fanatics may think this wasn't much, but to me I felt it was all I had inside me.

I always watch a TV show called Extreme Weight Loss because it keeps me interested and motivated. I told myself I was only allowed to watch that show while I workout so if I'm finished working out the rest of the show has to wait until later.

Today I got on with the goal of going 30 minutes at a 2.5. It was faster than I had ever gone. At 28 minutes the internet stopped working and I was unable to watch my show. I immedeitly thought :"Okay, thats good enough... I can stop now!" But the little girl inside me told me I could keep going. I decided to go to 45 minutes and I got my iPod and blasted my music. I was so empowered by my decision that I turned up the treadmill to a 2.8. When I got to 45 minutes I started to cool down and then at 48 minutes I decided I only had 12 more minutes. I CAN DO IT!

At 60:02 the treadmill stopped and I got down on the ground and starred at the ceiling feeling like the best version of me. I've never felt more accomplished. I look forward to the day when I can look back at this moment and see how far I've come but for now this is my moment. This is me at my best.

I could have gave up at 28 minutes but I didn't. I could have stopped at 45 minutes because it was the longest I'd ever gone, but I didn't. That little girl inside me that I've come to love so much in the last few weeks kept telling me "A little bit further, Ashley!" I trusted her and she trusted me. Having trust, respect and love for myself is new.

When you think you can't go any further, just push yourself to go a little further. The decision to keep going will give you so much power that it will no longer be hard. All of us have greatness inside of us and I'm only beginning to realize how much I have inside myself.